Sunday, September 15, 2013

Model Behavior

Hey Fashion Lovers!! I'm sorry if you feel neglected but there's been soo much going on & I had a fashion show yesterday so the prep for that was crazy as you probably can imagine...

Anyway the producers of the show did the model casting and their are a few things I encountered that I didn't think we're very good 'model behavior' so listen up models & wanna be model casters: 

- Models no matter your size your body should be tight & toned!! There is a such thing as 'Skinny Fat' & Flab & cellulite does not discriminate by weight! So keep that stuff in check. 

- Don't tell designers what their runway size should be! It is always flattering when a model wants to wear your clothes but if she doesn't have your size say ok & move on. Telling them they need to make smaller or larger clothes for YOUR size is rude! I cannot say it enough fashion presentations are about the designers.

- I cannot say this one enough: THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU & WHAT YOU WANT. It's great if a designer has something specific you'd love to wear but only make your request ONCE if you must make it at all!! The designer & stylist of the show have a vision & it is NOT your job to re create it! 

- You are NOT a stylist! At least not today Hun. If you aspire to be a stylist or its one of your trades.. FANTASTIC but do what you were hired to do. Wear what is selected for you. Don't try to make up your own looks. 

-Take care of your skin! If you are a model you are selling your body essentially so you can enhance the beauty of what has been made for you!! If you have skin diseases, pimples, dark spots, blotchy ness, uneven areas try your hardest to keep them at bay. It's a harsh business & if there's something you can't control maybe this isn't the initiatory for you... 

-Be friendly, be professional, be fun & easy to work with but DON'T be over bearing!!! Everyone wants a great, calm, fun work environment but every designer doesn't want to be your best friend!! At least not right away. Gauge a persons reaction to you before you dive right in because things can quickly get ANNOYING!  

-Don't eat while wearing or around a designers clothes! Contrary to the saying we do want you to eat.. We'd prefer if you didn't pass out.. BUT to eat right next to someone's garments is just rude & disrespectful! God forbid you get something on the garment! You will be billed!! Just don't do it!  
- Last but not least: EVERYONE CANNOT BE THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE! You might have a unique look or walk, you might have a funky hairstyle or color, anything were all different but everybody might not like it want your different font be offended! Again this vision is not yours!! Just because a casting agent picks you doesn't mean a designer who makes the final cut wants you. Don't expect everyone to want to work around or with your 'DIFFERENT'

Now I know as a designer I'm on the small time side but I want my brand to be represented at its BEST everytime we are shown.... Even if its in a back alley! 

So take heed. Presentation is EVERYTHING & someone is ALWAYS watching!! 

I really am all about people looking good which is why I say these things to you all. I mean. I am in the business of making people look good!! 

Fashionably Yours, 

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