Hello everyone!
I have just started my year in no better way than interning for a very talented young designer by the name of ImaniLia. Determined to make it to my first assignment with Imani, the city traffic wasn't stopping me, and so I made it, besdies going down one ways and wrong turns. Imani gave me a very positive vibe when I first met her a couple of days before the shoot, so I set my mind on focus and went to the shoot ready to grind. lol. Ok, guys and dolls, this is how it went down in my own words...
It is 10:35am, and I have just arrived at the studio where Imani is having the shoot done for her 2010 collection. At the moment, the first model is getting her hair and make-up done and so far I've been introduced to the crew that are part of the magic and help make it all happen, on the set are...
ImaniLia: Fashion & accessory designer/ stylist
D.J scoop: Imani's brother/ co-owner of ImaniLia designs
Hairstylist: Corenza
Hair assistant: Silk Jones
Model #1: Laura
Model #2: Shantel
Male model: Stefan
Make-up artist: Rasheeda Maxine
Photographer: Sharon Schuster
Photographer assistant: Erica
Videographer: Nnamdi
Designer Intern: Giselle Cruz (myself)
All of these creative, young and artistic individuals were doing their thing and I was honored to just be able to speak with them of their work and observe everything. It felt like art in it's finest, because every single person that was there was artistic. I wasn't nervous, I was ready, a bit quiet but I came in with the "expect the unexpected" mind frame so nothing surprises me. I have been taught that interning and assisting is very hectic and you should be willing to do almost anything....I said almost! lol. Overall experience was amazing, I loved working with all of these amazing people, Imani especially, I learned alot from just my first time being their and just the whole vibe of the place and everyone was very welcoming, so it made me feel a sense of comfort and I just felt like I was exactly where I should be. I felt in my zone.
Thank you guys for reading, hope you enjoyed my experience as much as I did. I will keep it comin, so look out for me "the intern" Giselle, as I will be posting my errands and run-arounds in the city, with Imani, or wherever I am and a sneak-peak of her latest designs. You will soon be able to view her exciting new collection here at www.ImaniLia.com